@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010157, author = {宮崎, 照雄 and 窪田, 三朗 and 江草, 周三}, issue = {1}, journal = {魚病研究}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 1) 養殖ハマチに滑走細菌の感染による潰瘍病が発生し, その感染病巣を病理組織学的に検討した。 2) その結果, 一種の滑走細菌が真皮に侵入して増殖し, 感染局所の組織は壊死・崩壊していた。 3) 以上のことから, この滑走細菌は膠原線維性結合織に高度の侵襲性を示すことがわかった。, A histopathological study was made on a marine gliding-bacterial infection of yellowtail broke out at Tsuruga area in winter, 1973. Gross characteristics of diseased fish were erosion and shallow ulcer formation in the body surface and fins. In the site of erosion small numbers of flexible rods were found through the epithelial basement membrane and the dermal loose connective tissue in the earlier stages. In advanced stages large numbers of flexible rods were observed to invade into the extensive loose connective tissue and the superficial layer of the dense connective tissue, in which considerable necrosis occurred. In far advanced stages the dermis and scales were destroyed and a wide dermal ulcer was developed. From the histopathological obsevasions, the dermal lesions were thought to be produced by a percutaneous infection of a marine flexible bacterium. Invasiveness to the dermal collagenous tissues was an important characteristic of this bacteriurn.}, pages = {69--74}, title = {ハマチの滑走細菌性潰瘍病の病理組織学的研究}, volume = {10}, year = {1975} }