@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010158, author = {宮崎, 照雄 and Miyazaki, Teruo and 江草, 周三 and Egusa, Syuzo}, issue = {1}, journal = {魚病研究}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 1) 養殖ニホンウナギの Edwardsiella tarda 感染症を病理組織学的に検討し, その結果, 本菌感染症には造血組織炎型と肝炎型の二種の発現型があることがわかった。本報では造血組織炎型の詳細を記述した。 2) 病理組織学検討の結果, 腎臓の造血組織での発病は, 細菌を呑食した好中球が類洞に移動し, そこに好中球の浸潤を伴う病巣が出現することにあった。微小感染が生じた類洞を中心に細菌の増殖とひきつづく好中球の浸潤集合によって大きな膿瘍病巣が現われていた。そして膿瘍病巣の軟化融解によって激しい細菌増殖と病巣の拡大が起り, 敗血病巣または潰瘍病巣に進展していた。 3) 全身感染が成立した段階で他の組織器官に転移病巣が現われていた。また腎臓の潰瘍病巣に接した軀幹筋組織に化濃病巣が生じ, 軟化融解とともに穿孔形成へと進んでいることもあった。 4) 以上の病理組織学的所見から, 本菌の感染病巣の炎症反応:ま化膿性炎で, 病状は膿血症で特徴づけられた。, Histopathological studies made on 38 diseased eels collected from eel‐ponds revealed that Edwardsiella tarda infections could be classified into two forms, nephric and hepatic. The present paper deals with studies on the nephric form. The primary histologic lesion observed was the appearance, in the sinusoids of the hematopoietic tissue of the kidney,of small masses of neutrophils containing those phagocytizing bacteria and those dying and collapsing from intracellular bacterial multiplication. Phagocytotic activity of the reticuloendothelial cells lining the sinusoids was also observed. Small abscesses involving the hematopoietic tissue and nephrons were abundantly found in the kidney of diseased fishes in the early stages.These abscesses were thought to develop from the above-mentioned primary foci. The abscesses were characterized by a predominance of juvenile neutrophils. Bacterial multiplication and spreading to the surrounding tissues were found to follow liquefaction of enlarged abscesses. In the kidneys where enlarged abscesses involved large blood-vessels pus emboli and metastatic abscesses were observed in the various parts of the hematopoietic tissue. Peripheral abscesses were found to develop into ulcers. In the stages of the generalized infection various pathological changes and metastatic lesions in particular were observed in the other organs, that is, a serous‐exudative and tissues‐liqefactive reaction, a degenerative‐necrotic reaction, and abscesses formation in the spleen ; parenchymal fatty change in the liver ; pyemic embolisms in the liver, epicardium, stomach and gills. Suppurative lesions which could develop into perforation were commonly found in the region of the body musculature adjacent to large ulcers of the kidney.Thus in far‐advance stages the disease condition was characterized by pyemia. On the base of these flndings the name of suppurative interstitial nephritis was suggested for the nephric form of the disease.}, pages = {33--43}, title = {ニホンウナギの Edwardsiella tarda 感染症の病理組織学的研究-Ⅰ. : 自然感染-化膿性造血組織炎型}, volume = {11}, year = {1976} }