@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010174, author = {窪田, 三朗 and Kubota, Saburoh S. and 延東, 真 and Endo, Makoto and 宮崎, 照雄 and Miyazaki, Teruo and 大林, 萬鋪 and Ohbayashi, Takaharu}, issue = {1}, journal = {魚病研究}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 1) トラフグの種苗生産過程に発生する稚魚の栄養性ミオパチー症をビタミンEの投与で予防する実験を行った。 2) 実験の結果,餌料100g当りビタミンEを250mg, 500mg をそれぞれ投与したものでは本症の発生が予防できた。, The authors demonstrated that nutritional myopathy in cultured young puffers (Fugu rubripes) was characterized by the alterations of the striated musculature and ceroid deposition in visceral organs. The causes of this disease were assumed to be the poisoning of the rancid fish-oil and vitamin E deficiency (ENDO et al. 1979). In this study a prophylactic effect of vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) on the myopathy was tested by administrations at following levels per the 100 g of sandeel mince ; 500 mg in the first group, 250 mg in the second group, 200 mg with vitamin mixture in the third group, 100 mg with vitamin mixture in the forth group and 0 mg in the control group. 5000 puffers (0.3 g mean body weight, 24.6 mm mean body length) were maintained in the each group for 50 days (water temp. 22.2 -30.9℃). Growth ratios on the 50th day increased significantly with increasing the amount of vitamin E.. Fish underwent the myopathy were encountered in the third and forth groups and control. However, no fish manifested the myopathy in the first and second groups. From the results of present examination, it was determined that the high levels of vitamin E prevented from the occurrence of the myopathy and it may be thought that the myopathy was due to vitamin E deficiency.}, pages = {9--13}, title = {養殖魚の栄養性ミオパチー症候群に関する研究-Ⅲ : トラフグの栄養性ミオパチー症に対するビタミンEの予防効果}, volume = {16}, year = {1981} }