@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010275, author = {加藤, 展朗 and Kato, Nobuo and 山田, 佳廣 and Yamada, Yoshihiro and 松浦, 誠 and Matsuura, Makoto and 塚田, 森生 and Tsukada, Morio}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本応用動物昆虫学会誌}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 2002, 2003年に, 三重県および東京都, 埼玉県で, セグロアシナガバチ Polistes jokahamae の巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガ Hypsopygia postflava の羽化消長を明らかにした. 成虫の羽化は年に3回観察されたが, 越冬世代の一部の羽化は非常に遅れ,世代が重複することがあった. また, 第2世代幼虫の一部は, その年に羽化せず越冬に入った. そのため, この巣寄生蛾は典型的には年に3世代で, 一部1または2世代であると考えられた. 1巣から羽化した成虫の雄率は平均56.4%であり, 巣によって30.8〜75.0%とばらついたが, 巣間で有意な差はなかった. 越冬態は幼虫であったが, 越冬幼虫の頭幅サイズは巣間で大きなばらつきがあり, 多くの巣では巣内でも大きなばらつきが見られた. 頭幅が1.08mm未満の越冬個体は翌年羽化できなかった. メイガ幼虫をサンプル管内で個別飼育したところ, ハチの蛹を与えたときは羽化したが, 巣材やハチの糞では発育できなかった., The life cycle of Hypsopygia postflava, a moth parasitic on nests of the paper wasp Polistes jokahamae, was studied in Mie, Saitama and Tokyo in 2002 and 2003. The emergence of some overwintered-generation moths was extremely delayed, and some second-generation larvae overwintered without pupation; therefore, it is considered that this nest-parasitic moth typically completes three generations per year, with some completing only one or two generations. The proportion of male adults per nest was 56.4% on average, and ranged from 30.8% to 75.0%, but did not differ significantly with the nests. The head widths of overwintering moth larvae varied greatly between the nests and also within some of the nests. Larvae with a head width of < 1.08 mm died during overwintering. Larvae provided with pupae of the paper wasp in glass vessels developed to adults, but those provided only with nest materials or the feces of paper wasps did not.}, pages = {115--120}, title = {セグロアシナガバチの巣に寄生するウスムラサキシマメイガの生活環}, volume = {51}, year = {2007} }