@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010309, author = {Kimura, Taeko and 木村, 妙子 and Sekiguchi, Hideo and 関口, 秀夫}, issue = {3}, journal = {Venus : the Japanese journal of malacology}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, Using larvae obtained by stimulating artificial spawning of Musculista senhousia and Limnoperna fortunei kikuchii in the laboratory, larval developoment was examined under different temperature conditions (15℃, 25℃, 30℃). At 25℃ and 30℃, larvae of L. fortunei kikuchii showed faster growth, shorter period from fertilization to settlement, and larger size at settlement than those of M. senhousia. At optimum growth temperature (30℃ for L. fortunei kikuchii, 25℃ for M. senhousia), size at settlement in larvae of the former species was larger by two times or more than the later species, and the days from fertilization to settlement were shorter by ca. 7 days. On the other hand, larvae of M. senhousia grew faster at 15℃ than that of L. fortunei kikuchii. However, this temperature hampered larval development of the above-mentioned two species, because the larvae did not grow to the pediveliger and did not settle on the bottom until our 25-day experiment ended., ホトトギスガイMusculista senhousiaとコウロエンカワヒバリガイLimnoperna fortunei kikuchiiは, 静岡県西部に位置する浜名湖奥部の潮間帯に優占するイガイ類である。筆者らはこれらの人工受精によって得られた幼生を用いて, 15℃・25℃・30℃の異なる水温条件下における成長を比較した。飼育水温25℃と30℃では, いずれの飼育水温においてもコウロエンカワヒバリガイはホトトギスガイよりも浮遊幼生の成長が明らかに速く, 着底までの日数も短く, 着底時の殻長も著しく大きかった。これら2種の浮遊幼生の好適な飼育水温では(コウロエンカワヒバリガイでは30℃, ホトトギスガイでは25℃), 着底時の殻長は前種は後種の2倍以上大きく, 着底までの日数は前種が後種よりも約1週間早かった。一方, 飼育水温15℃では, 逆にホトトギスガイはコウロエンカワヒバリガイよりも成長がよかった。しかし, これら2種の浮遊幼生にとって, この飼育水温は明らかに好適水温ではない。実験終了時までに, ホトトギスガイの浮遊幼生は殻頂期幼生に移行するが着底せず, コウロエンカワヒバリガイの浮遊幼生は殻頂期幼生に移行せず, D型幼生に留まっていた。}, pages = {215--222}, title = {Effects of temperature on larval development of two mytilid species and their implication.}, volume = {55}, year = {1996} }