{"created":"2023-06-19T11:41:45.561288+00:00","id":10662,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"083c3729-20f7-47fb-97f3-0c7bbafac529"},"_deposit":{"created_by":16,"id":"10662","owners":[16],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"10662"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010662","sets":["420:686:705:710"]},"author_link":[],"item_7_biblio_info_6":{"attribute_name":"書誌情報","attribute_value_mlt":[{"bibliographicIssueDates":{"bibliographicIssueDate":"2011-01-01","bibliographicIssueDateType":"Issued"}}]},"item_7_contributor_61":{"attribute_name":"修士論文指導教員","attribute_value_mlt":[{"contributorNames":[{"contributorName":"山田, 佳廣","lang":"ja"}]}]},"item_7_description_14":{"attribute_name":"フォーマット","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"application/pdf","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_7_description_4":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"ヤマトアシナガバチの社会構造の解明を行うため, 計5 コロニーを野外網室で飼育し, ワーカー羽化から繁殖階級羽化まで, 巣上の各個体の行動をビデオカメラで記録し( 1 コロニーは目視観察のみ),行動の解析を行った. また, 巣の発達状況も記録した. 各コロニーのワーカーは4 ~ 8 頭で,1 コロニーを除き第1 ブルード( ワーカー羽化初日から8 日後までに羽化) と第2 ブルード( ワーカー羽化初日9 日以降羽化) に分けた. 観察期はF 期 ( 第1 ブルード最終個体羽化から第2 ブルード羽化開始前日まで) ,T 期( 第2 ブルード羽化開始から第2 ブルード最終個体羽化前日まで), M 期( 第2 ブルード最終個体羽化後) に分け, 観察期ごとに解析し( ワーカー間の分業の解析は主にF 期とM 期に限る),観察期の違いの影響も調べた.1 産卵は創設クイーンが全観察期間を通して独占し, ワーカーから優位行動をほとんど受けず, また尻振り行動の頻度がワーカーに比べ極めて多かった. しかし, 独立創設のアシナガバチで一般的に見られる社会的順位制におけるクイーンの特徴( クイーンは, 全ての個体に対して優位である. クイーンはどのワーカーよりも優位行動を最も頻繁に行う. クイーンは優位行動をワーカーの中で最も優位な個体に最も高い頻度で向ける) を, 創設クイーンは, F 期では部分的, M 期では全く持っていなかった. また, M 期では, 創設クイーンは優位行動を優位ワーカー群( 主に第2 ブルード) に対してほとんど行わず, 劣位ワーカー群( 主に第1 ブルード) に対し頻繁に行った.2 2 つのコロニーで創設クイーンが亡失した. その後, 最上位ワーカーが最上位を維持し, 一番多く産卵をしたが, 一部のワーカーの産卵を許した. 創設クイーン亡失がなかったコロニーでは創設クイーンが高い頻度での尻振りを最後まで変わらず維持したのに対し, 亡失した2 頭の亡失前の尻振り頻度は, コロニー発達にともない減った. これは尻振り頻度が活力シグナルとなることを示唆する. クイーンを引き継いだワーカー( 交代クイーン) の尻振りの頻度は, 交代後少し増えたが, 創設クイーンに比べて著しく少なかった.3 ワーカー間の優位行動の頻度に基づき, 社会的順位制を調べた. F 期は老齢優位, M 期は若齢優位の傾向を示した. しかし, F 期の最老齢とM 期の最若齢のワーカーが最上位になるとは限らず, また, M 期での社会的順位制は, 齢よりも体サイズの影響を強く受けることが示された. F 期, M 期とも優劣順位の上位個体ほど優位行動を頻繁に行った. M 期の大部分のワーカーは, 直下の順位のワーカーに対して最も頻繁に優位行動を示したが, F 期ではその傾向は見られなかった.4 ワーカー間の労働配分に関して, F 期では, 幼虫への肉質物給餌と成虫間の液状物提供以外の労働では, 4 コロニー中3コロニーでワーカー間に労働頻度の差があったが, その頻度は優劣順位とは関係がなかった. M 期の劣位ワーカー群( 主に第1 ブルード) は内役と外役の全ての労働に従事し, 優位ワーカー( 第2 ブルードの大部分の個体) は通常は内役だけを行ったが, 内役の多くの労働の頻度は, 劣位ワーカー群より低かった.5 コロニー発達にともない老齢優位から若齢優位に転換することを説明するため, 各ワーカーの生活史戦略を基に以下の仮説を提出した. コロニー発達初期は, 創設クイーンの生理活性が高く後継者になる機会がほとんどないため,ワーカーは,包括適応度を高めるためクイーンの子の養育に全員が協力する. その結果, 各個体が社会的順位制の上位になることにあまり関心なく, 各個体のちょっとした経験の差に基づいて優劣順位が決るか, あるいは優劣順位決定に多くのコストがかかるのを避けるための一つの手段として羽化順を利用しているため, 老齢優位となる. しかし, コロニー発達が進むにつれ創設クイーンが弱り,ワーカーが後継者となる確率が増す.その結果, 若齢ワーカーは, クイーンの子を養育するより,将来クイーンを継承し自身の子を産むという戦略を採るため,育仔に非協力となり優位になることに精力を傾ける. 一方,老齢ワーカーは, 育児活動で疲労して産卵能力も優劣順位を巡る競争能力も落ちているため, 創設クイーンの子の養育を通じて包括適応度を高めることをコロニー発達初期と同様に続ける. そのため, 若齢優位となる.6 1 日あたりのコロニー肉質物採集頻度は, 5 齢幼虫数の増加とともに増加したが, クイーンおよびワーカーの優位行動頻度と肉質物採集頻度との間に正の関係はなかった. つまり,クイーンやワーカーの優位行動は, 肉質物採集の頻度を制御していなかった. ワーカーは, 肉質物採集前に育房点検をすることが多かった. また, 育房点検の後, 肉質物採集に出る確率は, 5 齢幼虫数が多いとき高くなった. これは, ワーカー自身が育房点検によって幼虫の餌要求量を知り, それに基づいた自己制御によって肉質物採集頻度を決めていることを示唆した.7 ワーカーはクイーンから優位行動を受けてもその後, 餌を提供しやすくなることはなかった. しかし, クイーンによるワーカーへの優位行動があると,その後ワーカーが外役( 特に,液状物採取と肉質物採集頻度)に従事することが多くなった.これらは, クイーンの優位行動がワーカーの外役が促していることを示した. しかし, その優位行動によって必ず外役に従事するのではなく, 通常は数十% の率で外役に出た. さらに, 女王の優位行動の頻度は, 巣内の5 齢幼虫数とは関係がなかったし,ワーカーの外役頻度とも関係がなかった.また,他のワーカーによる優位行動を受けてもワーカーは反応しなかった( これは, ワーカーは, 優位行動をクイーンが行ったのかワーカーが行ったのかを識別できることを示す).これらは, ワーカーの外役決定を左右する主要因は自ら集めた, 幼虫の餌要求を含むコロニー需要に関する情報で, クイーンの優位行動は副要因と考えられた. クイーンは, 優位行動によって単に自分の空腹度を伝えているだけであると考えられる.","subitem_description_language":"ja","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"},{"subitem_description":"In order to elucidate the social structure of the paper wasp Polistes japonicus, five colonies were observed in a netted cage located outdoors. Video recording of four colonies and observations directly by eye of the fifth colony were generally performed every few days before reproductives emerged. The number of workers in each colony ranged from four to eight. In four of the colonies the workers were divided into first and second broods: the first brood comprised workers that emerged first or within 8 days of the first emerging day, while the second brood comprised workers that emerged more than 8 days after the day on which workers first emerged and before reproductives emerged. Most of the analyses were performed separately for two periods: during the first-brood period from the emergence of the last worker of the first brood to the emergence of the first worker of the second brood, and during the mixed-brood period from the emergence of the last worker of the second brood to the emergence ofreproductives. The influences of differences between the two periods were also analyzed. 1. Abdominal wagging and ovipositing were performed almost exclusively by the foundress throughout colony development. However, an analysis of aggressive encounters indicated that although the foundress hardly received dominance behaviors (aggression) from workers, she lacked either partially or completely the following characteristics of the queen that are usually seen in paper-wasp colonies with independent founding queens (except in one colony that produced no second brood): being socially dominant over all workers (the foundress had more wins than losses in one-on-one dominance contests with any worker), exhibiting the highest frequency of dominance behaviors, and directing dominance behaviors primarily toward the worker with the highest rank in the social hierarchy. In particular, during the mixed-brood period the foundress hardly exhibited dominance behaviors toward socially dominant workers (mainly second brood) but frequently directed dominance behaviors toward socially subordinate workers (mainly first brood). 2. The foundress disappeared in two olonies before the reproductives emerged; in these colonies the worker with the highest ank in the social hierarchy inherited the colony and laid many eggs. The frequency of abdominal wagging by these two foundresses decreased during colony development, while it did not in two other colonies (there were no data for abdominal wagging in the fifth colony, which was observed by eye). This suggests that abdominal wagging provides information about the vigor of the performer. The superseder was socially dominant over all other workers, but spent little time wagging her abdomen and allowed some workers to lay eggs. 3. The rank in the dominance hierarchy among workers was determined based on results of one-on-one dominance contests between all pairs of workers. Older workers were likely to be more dominant (producing a hierarchy with older dominants) during the first-brood period, while younger workers were likely to be more dominant (producing a hierarchy with younger dominants) during the mixed-brood period. However, the oldest and youngest workers were not always the top-ranked workers In the dominance hierarchy during the first- and mixed-brood periods, respectively, and during the mixed-brood period the dominance hierarchy was influenced more by body size than by the emergence order. Most workers displayed dominance behaviors primarily toward the worker ranked immediately below them in the dominance hierarchy during the mixed-brood period but not during the first-brood period. 4. During the first-brood period, different workers performed a certain task (with the exceptions of feeding larvae and provisioning liquid to other nest mates) at different frequencies in three of the four analyzed colonies, but the rank in the dominance hierarchy was not related to the frequency for any particular task. During the 80 mixed-brood period, subordinate workers performed all kinds of intranidal and extranidal tasks, while dominant workers spent most of their time on the nest and usually only performed intranidal tasks, but their frequencies of performing many intranidal tasks were lower than those of subordinate workers. 5. To explain the temporal change from older dominants to younger dominants in the dominance hierarchy, the following hypothesis was proposed based on the life-history strategies of individual workers: The probability of a worker inheriting the colony is much lower during the first-brood period due to the foundress maintaining a high vigor. Under these conditions, all workers aim to increase the total number of reproductive progeny per colony through cooperative rearing, and they are not interested in increasing their ranks in the social hierarchy. Consequently, a hierarchy with older dominants is established during the first-brood period probably due to there being only small differences in the amount of experience, or the emergence order may be used only as a cue to avoid potentially costly dominance contests. Meanwhile, the vigor of the foundress gradually decreases as the colony develops, while the probability of a worker inheriting the colony increases; consequently, younger workers are more likely to adopt strategies that increase their likelihood of becoming the superseder to lay their own eggs rather than rearing the offspring of the foundress. Therefore, younger workers do not contribute to rearing, instead being more interested in increasing their ranks in the social hierarchy. On the other hand, older workers are likely to spend most of their time rearing the offspring of the foundress because their longer working experience has reduced their abilities to reproduce and to compete for socially higher ranks. Consequently, a hierarchy with younger dominants is established during the mixed-brood period. 6. The daily frequency of foraging for flesh per colony increased with the number of fifth-instar larvae per colony, but the foraging frequency was not positively related to 81 that of dominance behaviors performed by the queen (inculding the superseder) or workers. This suggests that dominance behavior of the queen or workers did not regulate the frequency of foraging for flesh. Workers often checked cells just before foraging for flesh, and the probability of foraging after checking cells increased with the number of fifth-instar larvae in the nest. This observation suggests that the decision of foragers to forage was based on information they collected about the larval demand for food by checking cells themselves. 7. Workers that received dominance behaviors from the foundress were more likely to be involved in extranidal tasks (mainly foraging for flesh or liquid), although they were unlikely to provision food to the foundress. This suggests that the foundress induced workers to forage using dominance behavior. However, workers usually performed extranidal tasks at probabilities of only up to about 40% after they received a dominance behavior from the foundress. Moreover, the frequency of dominance behaviors performed by the foundress was related neither to the number of fifth-instar larvae nor to the frequency of extranidal tasks performed by workers. In addition, workers were not likely to change their behavior after receiving a dominance behavior from other workers, which suggests that workers were able to distinguish between the foundress and other workers. These observations, together with that described in item 6, suggest that workers regulated the frequencies of their extranidal tasks primarily based on the information about the colony demands that they collected by themselves (mainly including that on the larval demand for food), and secondarily based on the frequencies of dominance behaviors performed by the foundress. The foundress is therefore considered to convey her own hunger level to workers through dominance behavior.","subitem_description_language":"en","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_7_description_5":{"attribute_name":"内容記述","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科博士後期課程","subitem_description_type":"Other"},{"subitem_description":"148p","subitem_description_type":"Other"}]},"item_7_publisher_30":{"attribute_name":"出版者","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_publisher":"三重大学"}]},"item_7_text_65":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ(三重大)","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_text_value":"Doctoral Dissertation / 博士論文"}]},"item_7_version_type_15":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85","subitem_version_type":"VoR"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"石川, 善大","creatorNameLang":"ja"},{"creatorName":"Ishikawa, Yoshihiro","creatorNameLang":"en"}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2017-02-20"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"2011D013.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"2.1 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"2011D013.pdf","url":"https://mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/10662/files/2011D013.pdf"},"version_id":"8684fe4b-a1d3-4af0-886e-90fe1ea6a1c0"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"thesis","resourceuri":"http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_46ec"}]},"item_title":"ヤマトアシナガバチの社会構造 : 優劣関係の分析を中心として","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"ヤマトアシナガバチの社会構造 : 優劣関係の分析を中心として","subitem_title_language":"ja"},{"subitem_title":"Social Structure of Polistes japonicus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae):With a Focus on Analysis of Dominant-Subordnate Interactions","subitem_title_language":"en"}]},"item_type_id":"7","owner":"16","path":["710"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"PubDate","attribute_value":"2013-06-11"},"publish_date":"2013-06-11","publish_status":"0","recid":"10662","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["ヤマトアシナガバチの社会構造 : 優劣関係の分析を中心として"],"weko_creator_id":"16","weko_shared_id":-1},"updated":"2023-12-18T00:29:15.433478+00:00"}