@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011259, author = {佐藤, 年明 and SATOU, Toshiaki}, journal = {三重大学高等教育研究, Mie University Journal of Studies on Higher Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 筆者が担当する教育学部専門科目(教職科目)の「教育課程論I」「教育課程論II」において2014年度前期以来東日本大震災から学ぶことを講義の全体テーマとしている.東日本大震災発生時に中学生であった教育学部生たちは震災について何らかの経験や記憶を持っているが,多くが東海地方出身であることもあって東日本大震災の記憶は風化しつつあり,震災について学べば学ぶほど自らの「非当事者性」を意識せざるを得ない場合が多い.本稿はこの壁をどう打ち破るのかを意識しながら行ってきた授業実践の記録と自己分析である., I have been setting learning on The Great East Japan Earthquake as the main theme of my lecture CURRUCULUM THEORY I/II since the former semester of the school year 2014.Present students of our faculty were junior high students when the earthquake occurred and have some kind of experiences and memories of it. But many of them were born around the Tokai area which is so far from Tohoku and their memories of the earthquake have already faded away. So students inevitably become conscious of their non-participation on The Great East Japan Earthquake. This paper is the record and self analysis of my practice aiming to break the barrier of this non-participation.}, pages = {25--36}, title = {教育学部「教育課程論Ⅰ」「教育課程論Ⅱ」において東日本大震災を学ぶ -「非当事者性」とどう向き合うか-}, volume = {23}, year = {2017}, yomi = {サトウ, トシアキ} }