@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011745, author = {辻川, 真弓 and TSUJIKAWA, Mayumi and 坂口, 美和 and SAKAGUCHI, Miwa and 竹内, 佐智恵 and TAKEUCHI, Sachie and 吉田, 和枝 and YOSHIDA, Kazue and 黒澤, 杏里 and KUROSAWA, Anri and 出原, 弥和 and IZUHARA, Miwa and 中西, 健二 and NAKANISHI, Kenji and 松原, 貴子 and MATSUBARA, Takako and 竹村, 洋典 and TAKEMURA, Yousuke and 佐藤, 佳代子 and SATO, Kayoko and 後藤, 姉奈 and GOTO, Shina}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, アドバンス・ケア・プランニング(ACP)とは、将来の意思決定能力の低下に備えて、今後の治療・療養について患者・家族と医療者とがあらかじめ話し合うプロセスである。本研究では国内外で行われたACP研究について文献レビューを行い、ACPの方法や時期について検討した。そしてACPを行うことが、患者・家族と医療者にもたらす効果を検討するために、進行婦人科がん患者を対象に、がん看護専門看護師による定期的なACPを実践し、その効果を質的・量的側面から検討を行った。, Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process of communication between individuals and their healthcare agents to understand, reflect on, discuss and plan for future healthcare decisions for a time when individuals are not able to make their own healthcare decisions. In this study, we researched ACP for cancer patients on the methods and the timings through literature reviews. An interventional study on ACP was performed using a mixed method design. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of ACP on patients, their families, and their healthcare agents.  The participants were advanced gynecological cancer patients, and each of them discussed their anxieties with a CNS (Certified nurse specialist in oncology) in ACP, when they had tri-weekly chemotherapy. Participants’QOL (FACIT-Sp) and Self-Efficacy for Advanced Cancer patients (SEAC) were observed, and participants and their healthcare agents were interviewed about their feelings about the ACP process by researchers., 2013年度~2015年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 25463405}, title = {がん患者のアドバンス・ケア・プランニングがもたらす効果に関する研究}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ツジカワ, マユミ and サカグチ, ミワ and タケウチ, サチエ and ヨシダ, カズエ and クロサワ, アンリ and イズハラ, ミワ and ナカニシ, ケンジ and マツバラ, タカコ and タケムラ, ヨウスケ and サトウ, カヨコ and ゴトウ, シナ} }