@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011943, author = {服部, 明子 and HATTORI, Akiko and 松岡, 知津子 and MATSUOKA, Chizuko and 吉田, 真理子 and YOSHIDA, Mariko}, journal = {三重大学高等教育研究, Mie University Journal of Studies on Higher Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では,本学留学生の帯同家族を対象とした,親子参加型日本語教育実践について報告する.現在,留学生数は年々増加しており,日本語教育を含めた留学生への支援には力が入れられている. しかし,留学生が配偶者や子どもなど,家族を帯同して来日する場合のサポートに日本語教育は含まれていない.留学生の配偶者や子どもは,生活者として地域で居住する際, 日本語能力を学ぶ機会がなく,生活そのものが困難であるという現状にある.そこで,筆者らが連携し,教育学部日本語教育コース,国語教育コース,幼児教育コースの学生にボランティアをよびかけ,学生主体で配偶者の家族を対象とした,親子参加型の日本語教育支援を行った., In this study we concentrated on Germany, the country with which our university has the closest relationship and we performed semi-structured interviews with 3 German exchange students, who arrived in Japan in October 2016. The interviews revealed their reasons for selecting our university and what activities they are participating in at our university. The interviews revealed that the students have specific reasons for coming to Japan, and that our university has areas for improvement in Japanese teaching and in management. Moreover, we also found that teacher cooperation and exchanges were possible between the teachers in Japan and Germany, and that orientation lectures about life and studying in Germany are necessary when students from our university go to study in Germany, as are orientation lectures about life and studying in Japan for students who come to Japan.}, pages = {81--84}, title = {留学生の帯同家族を対象とした,親子参加型日本語教育支援の実践}, volume = {24}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハットリ, アキコ and マツオカ, チズコ and ヨシダ, マリコ} }