@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012015, author = {辻川, 真弓 and Tsujikawa, Mayumi}, journal = {三重看護学誌, Mie Nursing Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Palliative care in Japan has developed, essentially, in the oncology field. In the last decade, it has progressed rapidly under the national policies supported by the Cancer Control Act. This review summarizes the current status of palliative care in Japan, and points out some issues of palliative care in the next decade. Future challenges are (1) Integration of palliative care and oncology, (2) Palliative care in a community, (3) Growing availability of advance care planning, and (4) Palliative care for patients with non-cancerous diseases. Japan is forecast to become a super-aged society with numerous deaths in the next decade. Therefore, elderly people have to consider how they want to live out the ends of their lives, and they should talk about those issues with their family members, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare staff, i.e., advance care planning should be more important for them. To achieve the future challenges, strengthening the multidisciplinary cooperation team approach in palliative care is required in the community. It is expected for nurses to expand their roles and competencies in that regard., 日本の緩和ケアは,がん治療とともに成長してきたが,特に最近10年は,がん対策基本法のもとで,急速な発展を遂げてきた.今後10年の日本の緩和ケアの課題を見据えると,さらなる課題として「がん治療と統合した緩和ケア」「地域緩和ケア」「アドバンス・ケア・プランニング」「がん以外の疾患における緩和ケア」が挙げられる.また,これらを推進していくためには,多職種連携チームでの関わりが必要となる. 日本では,超高齢・多死社会が訪れることが予想されている.その場合,アドバンス・ケア・プランニングが重要となる.すなわち,住民一人ひとりが「人生の最終段階に,自分自身がどのような医療を受け,どのように暮らしたいか」を考え,その意向を家族や医療者および介護者と共有しておくことが必要となる. 今後,地域包括ケアのもとで緩和ケアをさらに広く普及させていくためには,医療者だけでなく介護・福祉職を含めた多職種連携チームアプローチが必要であり,その中でも看護師に期待される役割は,ますます拡大すると考えられる.}, pages = {7--15}, title = {これからの緩和ケアと看護が担う役割}, volume = {20}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ツジカワ, マユミ} }