@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012017, author = {服部, 純子 and Hattori, Junko and 今井, 奈妙 and Imai, Nami and 成田, 有吾 and Narita, Yugo}, journal = {三重看護学誌, Mie Nursing Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study was to clarify the difficulty with respect to family relationships experienced by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) patients, by analyzing the contents of illness which MCS patients described. We conducted and analyzed qualitatively a semi-structured interview on "The pain of living" with respect to family relationships for five female MCS patients in their 40s to 50s. The difficulty of living with respect to family relationships reported by MCS patients consisted of six categories: " Confusion about families who do not understand ", "embarrassment about living with family", "give up on family’s understand ", "being hurt by family’s behavior", " anger against family" and "collapse of family relationships". The results of this study revealed psychological conflicts related to the family relationship of MCS patients on the characteristic care of MCS such as to avoid exposure to chemical substances. These psychological conflicts were the cause of social distress in MCS patients, and they were the core of these patients’ painfulness of living., 本研究の目的は,化学物質過敏症患者の病気をめぐる語りの中から,家族関係上の生きづらさを明確にすることであった.40~50歳代の女性MCS患者5名が研修参加者となり,半構造化面接によって,研究参加者が,家族関係の中で感じている苦しさについて語った.その内容をボイスレコ-ダ-で録音した上で逐語録にし,それらのデータを質的記述的に分析した.その結果,MCS患者の家族関係上の生きづらさは,【理解してくれない家族への困惑】,【家族との生活への戸惑い】,【家族からの理解に対する諦め】,【家族の言動による悲傷】,【家族に対する怒り】,【家族関係の崩壊】という6つのカテゴリーで示すことができた.本研究の結果から,化学物質の曝露を避けなければならないMCSの治療法をめぐって,MCS患者が家族関係の中で抱いている心理的葛藤が明らかになった.それらの心理的葛藤は,MCS患者の家族関係の中に存在する生きづらさの核心であった.}, pages = {25--32}, title = {化学物質過敏症患者の家族関係を中心とした「生きづらさ」}, volume = {20}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ハットリ, ジュンコ and イマイ, ナミ and ナリタ, ユウゴ} }