@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012472, author = {冨樫, 健二 and TOGASHI, Kenji}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 小児期の肥満と若年成人期の心血管リスクとの関連を検討するため、肥満で通院した小児を対象とした予後調査を行った。小児期の平均年齢は9.8歳、成人期の平均年齢は22.4歳であり、平均経過年数は12.6年であった。小児期の肥満が高度化するほど成人期の肥満継続率は高かった(軽度肥満35.9%、中等度肥満49.1%、高度肥満77.8%)。小児期の皮下脂肪面積、内臓脂肪面積と成人期のそれとは相関を認めなかったが、小児期の血清脂質、高分子量アディポネクチンは成人期のそれと有意な相関関係を示し、肥満に伴う脂質代謝異常やアディポネクチン低値といった心血管系リスクは成人期においても残存した。, To examine the association between childhood obesity and cardiovascular risk factors during young adulthood, a follow-up survey was conducted involving individuals with a history of treatment for childhood obesity. Their mean ages at the times of the treatment and survey were 9.8 and 22.4, respectively; thus, the latter was conducted a mean of 12.6 years after the former. The prevalence of adult obesity was higher among those with a history of severer childhood obesity (mild: 35.9% moderate: 49.1%, and severe: 77.8%). While there was no correlation between the subcutaneous/visceral fat areas during child-and young adulthood, the serum lipid/high-molecular weight adiponectin levels during the 2 periods were significantly correlated, indicating that cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity-related dyslipidemia and reduction in the adiponectin level, persisted until young adulthood., 2014年度~2016年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 26350886}, title = {小児肥満に伴う内臓脂肪蓄積の継続が若年成人期の心血管系リスクに及ぼす影響}, year = {2017} }