@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013253, author = {山田, 康彦 and YAMADA, Yasuhiko and 中西, 康雅 and NAKANISHI, Yasumasa and 大日方, 真史 and OBINATA, Masahumi and 森脇, 健夫 and MORIWAKI, Takeo and 根津, 知佳子 and NEZU, Chikako and 守山, 紗弥加 and MORIYAMA, Sayaka and 赤木, 和重 and AKAGI, Kazusige and 前原, 裕樹 and MAEBARA, Yūki}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 教員養成型PBL (Problem-based Learning)教育における対話型事例シナリオ教育は、教育実践の中で直面する事象をシナリオにして学生に提示し、教員養成教育に必須の理論と実践を往還する能動的学習の核となりうる教育方法である。 本研究では、①対話的事例シナリオ教育の原理、シナリオの作成方法、授業方法を深化させ、②ルーブリックを活用した、その教育独自の評価方法を開発した。そして③これらの教育原理、教育方法、評価方法を組み込み、実践的に検証済みの質の高い事例シナリオ教材集を、教職に関する科目全領域で作成し、各種学会で発表すると同時に、報告書としてまとめた(平成30年7月公刊予定)。, Scenarios are often used as learning materials in Problem-based Learning. In teacher training the scenarios consist of the phenomena which teachers encounter in the schools. And the scenarios have to be devised to facilitate interactions with learners or between ones. Such dialogic scenarios are expected to organize the active relationship between theory and practice and to form the core of teacher training methods. Our research made clear the details of the fundamental theories, the methods of making scenarios and of teaching for the learning through the dialogic scenarios in teacher training. And we created the new rubrics to evaluate the effects of that learning. Furthermore, we have developed the dialogic scenarios highly through putting them into practice. Finally we made a collection of the scenarios which covered every sort of subjects related to teacher teaching, presented the products at some conferences and publish them on July in 2018., 2015年度~2017年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 15K04496}, title = {教員養成型PBL教育における対話型事例シナリオの作成と評価方法の開発}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヤマダ, ヤスヒコ and ナカニシ, ヤスマサ and オビナタ, マサフミ and モリワキ, タケオ and ネズ, チカコ and モリヤマ, サヤカ and アカギ, カズシゲ and マエバラ, ユウキ} }