@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013803, author = {上條, 史絵 and Kamijo, Shie and 丸山, 一男 and Maruyama, Kazuo and 丸山, 淳子 and Maruyama, Junko and 浅田, 啓嗣 and Asada, Keiji and 伊藤, 和寛 and Ito, Kazuhiko and 牛田, 健太 and Ushida, Kenta and 横地, 歩 and Yokochi, Ayumu and 島岡, 要 and Shimaoka, Motomu}, journal = {三重大学高等教育研究, Mie University Journal of Studies on Higher Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 公的な資金援助を受けて行う研究・教育事業では,成果を社会に発信するアウトリーチ活動が要求される.アウトリーチ活動にはホームページやソーシャルメディアなどインターネットを活用した発信,パンフレット配布,シンポジウム開催などが定番であり,それぞれ長所と短所がある.我々は「三重大学・鈴鹿医療科学大学合同慢性疼痛チーム医療者育成」事業のアウトリーチを、学会ブース展示を出展し行う新たな取り組みを実践してきたので,アウトリーチの有益性を高める工夫について検討し文献的な考察を加えて報告する., Government-funded educational and research projects require the stake holders at the academia to be accountable to tax payers. Thus, the academicians need to implement an effective outreaching activity to share with the public new knowledge resulting from the projects. Here we describe our outreaching experience to use a booth exhibition at healthcare conference for publicizing our MEXT-funded educational project to promote the inter-disciplinary collaborations between healthcare professionals for the chronic pain management, which has been jointly operated by Suzuka University of Medical Science and Mie University. We have retrospectively investigated our booth exhibition activities (n = 4), thereby supporting the idea that the outreaching activity using a booth exhibition at the project topic-related conferences is an effective approach to directly communicate with the targeted audience/customers.}, pages = {47--56}, title = {学会ブース展示によるアウトリーチ活動の研究}, volume = {26}, year = {2020}, yomi = {カミジョウ, シエ and マルヤマ, カズオ and マルヤマ, ジュンコ and アサダ, ケイジ and イトウ, カズヒロ and ウシダ, ケンタ and ヨコチ, アユム and シマオカ, モトム} }