@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013850, author = {畑下, 博世 and HATASHITA, HIROYO and 西出, りつ子 and NISHIDE, ritsuko and 谷村, 晋 and TANIMURA, susumu and 石本, 恭子 and ISHIMOTO, yasuko}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は、乳幼児を育てる日本人女性と在日ブラジル人(以下、伯人) 女性を対象に、異文化看護の視点から災害準備行動の在り方を検討する事である。量的調査と質的調査を行い、日本人と伯人の災害準備に関する認識や準備行動の実態と、その類似点と相違点を明らかにした。日本人に比べ在日伯人は持家率や自治会加入率は低いが、交通機関や情報入手、医療について心配する在日伯人は少ない事が明らかとなった。日本に在住する目的は「デカセギ」で、地域との関わりも希薄であった。在日伯人女性は地域に頼れる人もなく、発災時に自分達の命を守れるか疑問である。今後は適切な災害・減災教育を考案し、介入効果を確かめる研究が必要となる。, This study aimed to examine the ideal nursing approach to improve the disaster preparedness of Japanese and Brazilian mothers with infants and children under 4 years of age in Japan. The results showed that the proportion of Brazilian who possessed their own house and participated in their neighborhood association was lower than that of Japanese. This study also found that a few Brazilian were concerned about availability of transportation, information, and medical care. Because these Brazilian were living in Japan for economic reasons, their interactions with the Japanese community were limited or rare. If any disaster were to happen, it is doubtful if they would be able to save themselves due to their lack of a support system in the Japanese community. Hence, it is necessary to create a suitable intervention program regarding disaster preparedness for Brazilian and to evaluate its effects., 2016年度~2018年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 16K12334}, title = {育児中の在日ブラジル女性の災害時支援ー異文化ケアモデルの構築ー}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ハタシタ, ヒロヨ and ニシデ, リツコ and タニムラ, ススム and イシモト, ヤスコ} }