@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013856, author = {稲垣, 昌樹 and Inagaki, Masaki and 井澤, 一郎 and IZAWA, Ichiro and 後藤, 英仁 and GOTO, Hidemasa and 笠原, 広介 and KASAHARA, Kousuke and 猪子, 誠人 and INOKO, Akihito and 田中, 宏樹 and TANAKA, Hiroki}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 間葉系幹細胞に特異的に発現する中間径フィラメントであるビメンチンの分裂期リン酸化部位に変異を導入した遺伝子改変マウスは、細胞質分裂障害により高効率に細胞がaneuploidy(染色体異数性)を生じることをこれまでに明らかにしてきた。本研究では、本遺伝子改変マウスを用いて、皮膚損傷後の治癒過程を経時的に解析した結果、aneuplod細胞は、多核・多中心体を経てDNA障害を引き起こし細胞老化を引き起こすこと、マウス個体の表現型として老化症状の一つである創傷治癒遅延および皮下脂肪減少を示すことを明らかにした。, Intermediate filaments (IFs) are dramatically reorganized during mitosis. Some protein kinases activated in mitosis control spatial and temporal IF reorganization through IF phosphorylation. Here, we analyzed the dorsal skin wound healing in phospho-vimentin-deficient mice. In response to skin injury, vimentin expression was elevated at wound areas of subcutaneous fibroblast in a genotype-independent manner. During the acute phase of wound healing when vimentin expression was relatively high, IF-bridge fornation, binuclation, and extra-centrosome formation was observed specifically in fibroblast of phospho-vimentin-deficient mice. These cellular structures disappeared with decreased expression, leading to increased numbers of aneuploid fibroblasts. Subsequently the fibroblasts exhibited a significant elevation of major senescence-relative markers. These abnormalities resulted in implicated wound healing, one of the premature aging phenotypes., 2015年度~2018年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))研究成果報告書, 15H02398}, title = {aneuploidy(染色体異数性)と細胞の運命 -がん化、老化、分化-}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イナガキ, マサキ and イザワ, イチロウ and ゴトウ, ヒデマサ and カサハラ, コウスケ and イノコ, アキヒト and タナカ, ヒロキ} }