@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013917, author = {河村, 功一 and Kawamura, Kouichi and 宮崎, 多恵子 and MIYAZAKI, taeko and 小林, 秀司 and KOBAYASHI, shuji}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 特定外来種ヌートリアの日本における定着成功を種としての生物学的特徴と侵入時の創始者集団が持つ遺伝的特徴の2点から探ることを目的とし生理,行動,遺伝の3点から解析を行った.本種は他の齧歯類と比べ視覚は退化的であったが,聴覚と嗅覚は発達していることが明らかとなった.聴覚の発達は個体間での音声コミュニケーションに対応し,視覚の退化と嗅覚の発達は水棲適応との関係が覗われた.マイクロサテライトDNAにおいて集団間で遺伝的多様性に差は見られたものの主要組織適合遺伝子複合体においてはこうした違いは見られず,定着成功における機能的遺伝子の多様性の重要性と安定化淘汰の存在が考えられた., Invasion success of a invasive alien species of nutria, Myocastor coypus, in Japan was analyzed in physiology, behavior and genetics, focusing on the characteristics of species as well as those of founder in invasion. Compared with other rodents, nutria was characterized by the sensual development of hearing and smelling, contrary to the sensual degeneration of vision. The sensual development of hearing corresponds to vacal communication in community, and the sensual degenetation and development of vision and smelling were considered to be related to the aquatic adaptation of nutria. Among Japanese populations of nutria, genetic difference was found in microsatellite DNA (neutral gene), while it was not observed in major histocompatibility complex(functional gene). This suggests the importance of functional genes and the role of stabilizing selection in invasion success., 2016年度~2018年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 16K07514}, title = {特定外来種ヌートリアに見る外来種の定着成功要因の解明}, year = {2019}, yomi = {カワムラ, コウイチ and ミヤザキ, タエコ and コバヤシ, シュウジ} }