@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015290, author = {安田, 裕美 and Yasuda, Hiromi and 問山, 裕二 and Toiyama, Yuji and 奥川, 喜永 and Okugawa, Yoshinaga and 吉山, 繫幸 and Yoshiyama, Shigeyuki and 大井, 正貴 and Ohi, Masaki and 楠, 正人 and Kusunoki, Masato}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 進行胃癌の腫瘍組織をmicroarrayで網羅的解析し、同定された候補miRNA5つのうち3miRNA(miR-30a-5p, -659-3p, -3917)はtesting cohortにおいて腹膜播種陽性症例で有意に高発現で、この3miRNAの複合パネルスコアは腹膜播種同定能でAUC:0.82であった。validationとEvaluation cohortにおいてもこの結果は再現され、多変量解析で3miRNAパネルスコアとともに抽出された内視鏡的肉眼型を組み合わせたリスクスコアの高値例は、各cohortにおいてAUC:0.87,0.76,0.79と高精度に腹膜播種陽性例を同定できた。, We performed a systematic biomarker discovery by analyzing miRNA expression profiles in primary tumors from GC patients with and without PM. Among 5 miRNA, 3 of which (miR-30a-5p, -659-3p, and -3917) were significantly overexpressed in the primary tumors from PM-positive patients in the testing cohort, and distinguished patients with the value of AUC of 0.82. The efficacy of the combination miRNA signature was subsequently validated in an independent validation cohort (AUC = 0.74). Finally, our miRNA signature when combined together with the macroscopic Borrmann's type score offered a much superior diagnostic in all 3 cohorts (AUC = 0.87,0.76, and 0.79, respectively)., 2018年度~2020年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 18K08674}, title = {遊離癌細胞の生着能を利用した転移機形成序解明とあらたなHIPEC治療適応の確立}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヤスダ, ヒロミ and トイヤマ, ユウジ and オクガワ, ヨシナガ and ヨシヤマ, シゲユキ and オオイ, マサキ and クスノキ, マサト} }