@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015313, author = {立花, 義裕 and Tachibana, Yoshihiro and 万田, 敦昌 and Manda, Atsumasa}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, 暖かい黒潮とその北方の海を隔てる海洋水温前線(黒潮前線)では,僅か数km の水平距離で水温が急変していることが知られている.黒潮前線の北に隣接する紀伊半島や四国などの日本列島の南岸の降水量は際だって多く,熱帯や離島を除けば世界一の多雨地帯である.研究代表者らは黒潮前線が日本南岸の降雨を促進するプロセス仮説を立てた.この仮説を,研究代表者らが発案した水平スキャニング可能な革新的GPS ゾンデ観測手法を用いて直接観測で実証することが本研究の目的である. 申請者らが発案した「風追尾式 多高度係留観測」を実施した.データ解析を行い,暖かい空気解が冷たい空気解を滑翔する仮説を支持する成果が得られた., Strong sea surface temperature (SST) fronts form along the boundary between warm and cold ocean currents. Observations showed that the SST fronts are narrow with only a few kilometers. Many studies have focused on the air-sea interactions around SST fronts, because these fronts are thought to have an influence on the atmosphere. Many atmospheric soundings by a vessel were carried out over the fronts. However, their sounding interval is at least one hour. This interval cannot resolve the SST fronts. Here we propose a new radiosonde observation method. The horizontal resolution is only about 5m. The method is that a balloon is moored with towed by a vessel toward leeward. If wind direction is perpendicular to the SST front, we can measure upper atmospheric temperature across the SST front with time resolution of 1 second. The observation clearly captured atmospheric drastic temperature change with the SST front. The method provides with new look at the SST influence upon the atmosphere., 2017年度~2020年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書, 17H02958}, title = {革新的洋上ゾンデ観測の提案~水平スキャニングが掴む黒潮前線の対流圏大気への影響}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タチバナ, ヨシヒロ and マンダ, アツマサ} }