@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000154, author = {庄司,貴由 and SHOJI,Takayuki}, journal = {三重大学全学共通教育センター研究紀要, Bulletin of the center for general education, Mie University}, month = {Mar}, note = {1993 年8 月、細川護熙率いる非自民連立政権が誕生した。八党会派で構成された細川政権期は、世に政治改革の時代として知られる。だがそれは、国連平和維持活動(PKO)参加に、日本政府が全く未着手だったことを意味しない。水面下では外務省を筆頭に検討作業が重ねられ、その一つが、本稿が扱う旧ユーゴスラヴィアにおける国連保護軍(UNPROFOR)参加問題であった。それでは、日本政府内でUNPROFOR 参加は、いかなる検討に付されてきたのであろうか。 まず本稿は、非自民連立政権発足後、外務省欧亜局で旧ユーゴ情勢がどう認識されてきたのかを扱う。次に、国連から日本に接到したクロアチアUNPROFOR への派遣要請に対し、外務本省をはじめ、日本政府が、いかなる検討を施したのかを浮き彫りにする。その際、国際平和協力法、なかでも附則第二条(凍結条項)、参加五原則をめぐる議論を一部織り交ぜながら、なぜ、日本政府が同要請を断ったのかを論じていく。最後に、明石康のUNPROFOR 特別代表(SRSG)就任と相前後し、浮上したマケドニア予防展開をめぐる議論を扱い、外務省総合外交政策局のイニシアティブが潰えるプロセスを解明する。これらを通じ、UNPROFOR をめぐって政府内で温度差が生まれ、そこに政界再編が加わった結果、マケドニアPKO をめぐる議論の余地が細川政権期の国内政治空間で消失したことを明らかにする。, The non-LDP coalition government led by Morihiro Hosokawa was formed in August 1993. The period of the Hosokawa Administration, which consisted of seven parties and one faction, is known as an era of political reform in Japanese society. However, this does not mean that the Government of Japan did not take any steps to participate in Peace Keeping Operations (PKO). Indeed, though it received less public attention, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) and others were working on the issue of participation in the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the former Yugoslavia, one of the issues that this paper deals with. So how was participation in UNPROFOR considered within the Government of Japan at the time? First, this paper examines how the situation in the former Yugoslavia was perceived in the Asian and European Bureau of MOFA during the non-LDP coalition. Second, the process by which the Japanese government, including the MOFA, considered the UN’s request to dispatch a mission to UNPROFOR in Croatia. Accordingly, the paper examines why the Government of Japan turned down the request, interweaving some of the arguments surrounding the International Peace Cooperation Law. Finally, it focuses on the debate over preventive deployment in Macedonia, which emerged around the time of Yasushi Akashi’s appointment as Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), and elucidates the process by which the initiative of the Foreign Policy Bureau of MOFA was crushed. The aforementioned points reveal that the Government of Japan faced differences of opinion regarding participation in UNPROFOR, and the moment for discussion regarding PKO in Macedonia passed from the domestic political space due to the subsequent political realignment.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {国連保護軍(UNPROFOR)と日本―非自民連立政権下における検討過程}, volume = {8}, year = {2023} }