@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000723, author = {福岡,昌子 and Fukuoka,Masako}, journal = {三重大学国際交流センター紀要, Bulletin of Center for International Education and Research, Mie University}, month = {Mar}, note = {We studied Beijing, Shanghai, and Seoul JLL's Japanese burst sounds perception at word onset and mid-word. We investigated category perception of Japanese plosives, at word onset and mid-word using synthetic stimulus sounds with different voice onset times(10msec). Considering prevoicing perception, and perceived cross-language phonetic distance, we tried to validate the SLM(speech learning model)model. Beijing speakers, who did not have voiced plosives in L1, had a significant difference of 0.1% to 5% from Japanese speakers in terms of categorical perception in mid-word, but they are sensitive to prevoicing and there was no significant difference at word onset. Further, the timing of articulation and vocalization was captured. On the other hand, Seoul dialect speakers, who have a voiced plosive in L1, did not show a significant difference in mid-word, but there was a significant difference of 0.1% of the total stimulation sounds at the word onset so it was recognized that the L2 sound is in the same category as the L1 sound. The Shanghainese speaker is in a middle position between the Beijing speaker and the Seoul dialect speaker. It was suggested that perception of L2 sounds depends on the perceived crosslanguage phonetic distance as judge by the second language learner, and that second language learners who don't have voiced plosives in their L1 can perceive the prevoicing of Japanese plosives as an "early reference point".}, pages = {1--17}, title = {北京・上海・韓国(ソウル)母語話者の日本語破裂音の範疇知覚}, volume = {19}, year = {2024} }