@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003743, author = {中島, 喜代子 and Nakajima, Kiyoko}, journal = {三重大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study is to grasp the children's recognition and directional intention of dwelling house and home life, and to make it useful matelials for their education of housing. In this paper, the children(primal school children, junior high school students and senior high school students)and their mothers have been inquired of their estimation and consideration of dwelling house in which they are supposed to live. The following results were obtained. 1)Children can judge of dwelling house in which they are supposed to live as they grow older. 2)The relation between mother's estimation of dwelling house in which they are supposed to live and children's one becomes closer as they grow older. 3)Mothers estimate their dwelling house lower than children do. And mother put importance on dwelling house than children. 4)Using the method of Factor Analysis, it has been found that the structure of mothers' estimation of dwelling house in which they are supposed to live resembles senior high school students' one, but does not resemble junior high school students' one. 5)Children's demands for possetion of the furnitures is stronger than mothers' ones. In case of boys, the relation between mothers' demands for possesion of the furnitures and children's ones becomes closer as they grow older. But in case of girls, this tendency is not seen. It is because of girls' demands for possesion of furnitures without consideration for their dwelling house.}, pages = {117--126}, title = {住居志向からみた子どもの住空間認識の発達 第1報 住空間に対する重視の傾向}, volume = {38}, year = {1987} }