@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004510, author = {中村, 喜美子 and Nakamura, Kimiko and 大西, 和子 and Onishi, kazuko}, journal = {三重看護学誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は, 大学病院に入院する終末期がん患者の家族の思いを明らかにし, 家族への援助のあり方を検討することであった. 対象者 8 名に半構成的面接調査を実施し, 得られたデータを質的に分析した. その結果,〈Co-sufferer としての思い〉〈Care-giver としての患者への思い〉〈Care-giver としての自分自身の思い〉〈Care-giver としての医療・ケアおよび医療スタッフへの思い〉〈家族システムの中での思い〉という 5 つのカテゴリーが見出された.  Co-sufferer としての家族は, たとえ終末期であろうと治療にかけたいという思いが強く, そのことは大学病院に入院する患者の家族に特徴的な点であろうと考えられた. Care-giver としての家族は, 自分自身の苦痛を抱えながらも, 献身的にケアを提供していた. また, 医療スタッフへの肯定的感情は, 家族としての安心感, 信頼感につながっていたと考えられる. 家族システムの中では, 良好な家族関係が対象である家族を支えていたと考える.  看護師として, 治療にかける家族の思いを理解し支えることは重要であるが, 同時に, 治療を優先しがちな大学病院独特の文化に, 時には疑問を感じる感性を養うことも必要である. また, 患者へのケア提供をする家族には, 満足感を得ながらも負担がかからないような配慮が, 看護に求められている. そして, 患者家族との良好な人間関係を築くことは全てにおいて基本であることが再認識された. さらに, 家族全体を見渡しその関係性を見極めることも必要である. 本研究から, 以上のことが看護への示唆として得られた., The purpose of this study was to clarify the feelings of the family members having end-stage cancer patients in university hospital and to find out nursing interventions to them.  The subjects were eight. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview. And the following results were obtained through qualitative analysis.  Feelings were classified into five categories:〈feelings as Co-sufferer〉〈feelings to patient as Care-giver〉〈feelings to themselves as Care-giver〉〈feelings to medical treatment, nursing treatment, and medical staff as Care-giver〉〈feelings in family system〉.  As Co-sufferer, family members were eager that patients would be better even at end-stage, so they had built all their wishes on medical treatment. It was showed that these feelings were characteristic in university hospital. As Care-giver, they were committed to take care of patients devotedly, while they have been suffering. It was thought that their positive feelings to medical staff reflected security and trust on the staff, and also good relationship with other family members.  It is important for nurse to have sympathy for their wishes on medical treatment, and also to have the sensibility such as questioning toward the mission that university hospital takes medical treatment at the first as their priority. And we need to pay more attention to family members who take care of patients with more satisfaction and fewer loads. And also we need to endeavor to establish more relations with family members. In addition, we should assess the whole family, and adjust the relations among family members, if necessary.}, pages = {21--31}, title = {大学病院に入院する終末期がん患者の家族の思いに関する研究}, volume = {8}, year = {2006} }