@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004568, author = {大渕, 律子 and Obuchi, Ritsuko}, journal = {三重看護学誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Gerontological Nursing aims to increase elderly peoples health to the point that they can remain healthy in their old age and live independent and comfortable lives that enable them to spend the last part of their lives feeling satisfied.  In order to cope with health care issues associated with the rapid aging of the population, aged care has developed into holistic care including a range of health care, medical care, and welfare services. The field of Gerontological Nursing covers a wide range of areas such as: homes for the elderly, communities, medical facilities, long-term care insurance facilities, and in-home-care assistance services. Nurses for aged care are expected to fulfill diverse roles and improve the quality of nursing care. Health care for elderly people comes in a wide range of forms from maintaining good health, to promoting longevity, and to providing End-of-Life Care. It is necessary to promote an overall care method which respects the independence of elderly people and encourages them to fully explore their abilities based on the assessment of their health condition, including their physical, mental, and social changes due to aging and environmental factors. It is also indispensible to care for the elderly persons family, to enhance the aged care system, and to promote aged care in communities. In order to cope with such diverse Gerontological Nursing, nurses are demanded to create a new paradigm of aged care, and expand the scope of their work as required. Keeping in mind the issues mentioned above, this study considered a paradigm of Gerontological Nursing focusing on the current practical training to help improve the quality of aged care.  It was found that practical trainees were able to learn about aged care in actual situations directly related to the work. In order to improve their practical skills, it was necessary to create educational methods to help them acquire solid aged care skills and strengthen ethics related to Gerontological Nursing. It was also necessary to educate them so that they could learn how to utilize skills from other fields, and to foster a clear view of aging and aged care in their minds., 老年看護学で目指すものは、あらゆる高齢者が生の完成を目指して人生の最終段階にある老年期を健やかで,自立した,快適な生活を送れるように健康への支援をすることである.  老年看護の場は,急速な高齢化に伴う健康上の課題に対応すべく,保健・医療・福祉の総合ケアとして進展している.ケアの場は,高齢者の住む家庭や地域,病院などの医療施設,介護保険の施設,在宅支援サービスの場など広範囲であり,看護職に期待される機能も多様で,看護の質の向上が問われている.高齢者の健康支援の内容は,健康長寿への支援から終末期ケアまで幅広く,老化が及ぼす心身・社会的変化,環境要因を含めた健康状態のアセスメントを基に高齢者の主体性を尊重しながら,高齢者の持てる力を発揮できるようなケアを総合的に進めていくことになる.また,高齢者の介護を担う家族へのケア,高齢者ケアシステムの充実,地域の介護力を向上させる働きかけも欠かせない.多様な場で繰り広げられる老年看護活動において,看護職は,高齢者に対する新しいケアのあり方を編み出し,必要に応じて看護業務の適用範囲を拡大していくことが求められている.この様な背景を踏まえて,老年看護の質を向上させるための老年看護教育のあり方について,現在実施している老年看護学実習に焦点を当てて考察した.  実習は,高齢者ケアの場から直に学ぶ場となり,高齢者の看護への理解が十分に得られる場となっていることが分かったが,実践力を向上させるためには,看護の機能と他職種の連携,確かな老年看護技術,高齢者ケアにおける倫理,実習を通しての老年観・老年看護観の育成を効果的に教育する方法を工夫する必要がある.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {老年看護学の看護実践能力を高める教育のあり方}, volume = {11}, year = {2009} }