@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004602, author = {竹内,香織 and Takeuchi,Kaori and 磯和,勅子 and Isowa,Tokiko and 福井,享子 and Fukui,Kyoko}, journal = {三重看護学誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は,地域高齢者の主観的幸福感に関連する社会活動要因を明らかにすることである.調査項目は,基本属性,主観的幸福感,主観的健康感,社会活動(個人活動,社会参加・奉仕活動,学習活動,仕事)である.分析対象者は,調査項目全てに回答した地域在住の60歳以上の高齢者103名(男性12名,女性91名)とし,平均年齢は男性79.3±6.8歳,女性78.7±5.5歳であった.  主観的幸福感を被説明変数とし,社会活動,主観的健康感を説明変数とするステップワイズ法による重回帰分析を行った.その際,性別および家族構成をコントロール変数として用いた.重回帰分析の結果,主観的幸福感と有意に関連していた項目は,家族構成(β==.20,p<.05),主観的健康感(β=.30,p<.01),社会活動の中の個人活動(β=.21,p<.05)であった.  地域高齢者のQOL向上には,健康維持活動と共に,地域特性を踏まえた身近な個人活動レベルの社会活動支援が有効と考えられる., The aim of this study was to clarify factors of social activity related to subjective well-being in the community-dwelling elderly. To investigate the well-being-related social activities, characteristics, subjective well-being, self-related health, and social activities were measured. The measure of social activities was constructed from four aspects: personal activities, socially-related activities, learning activities, and job activity. The 103 elderly people were analyzed(average age; 12 males: 79.3 ± 6.8, 91 females: 78.7 ± 5.5). In order to examine relationships between different aspects of social activities and subjective well-being, the author used multiple regression analyses with the four types of social activity level, self-related health, and characteristics as independent variables.  The results of the multiple regression analyses were as follows: family structure(β=.20, p<.05), self-related health(β=. 30, p<.01), and personal activities(β=.21, p<.05)were positively associated with subjective well-being.  This result suggested that the support for social activities, especially personal activities was beneficial to the community-dwelling elderlys subjective well-being.}, pages = {23--30}, title = {地域高齢者における主観的幸福感に関連する社会活動要因}, volume = {13}, year = {2011} }