@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005549, author = {簡, 肇衡 and Chien, Chau-Heng and 宮崎, 照雄 and Miyazaki, Teruo and 窪田, 三朗 and Kubota, Saburoh S.}, journal = {三重大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Mie University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 1) ブリ稚魚, クロダイ, ニホンウナギ, ニジマスに感染したイクチオフォヌスの形態と生活史を比較検討した。 2) これら4系のイクチオフォフスの形態と生活史は基本的に共通していた。 3) しかし, 成熟した多核球状体の大きさでは, ニジマス感染系と他の3系との間に有意差がみられた。, The authors histologically researched on the morphology and size of well grown multinucleate spherical bodies of ichthyophonus affecting Japanese eel, yellowtail fry, black sea bream and rainbow trout. They had the same morphology, and life cycle ; growth of multinucleate spherical bodies, pregermination stage, germination to form hyphal bodies, endospore production, and release of spores. The mean size was smallest in yellowtail fry, and became larger in black sea bream, and Japanese eel. The multinucleate spherical bodies affecting rainbow trout had the largest mean size, and were walled off by the thickest cell wall. In the early case of infection, ichthyophonus formed a hypha like shape in the stomach wall. In cultivation it formed various shapes according to the medium. It formed hyphae with heavy-walled spores at their tips in Sabouraud dextrose agar. It formed hyphae with many branches and hyphal bodies at their tips in TGC fluid medium adding 10% calf serum.}, pages = {161--172}, title = {魚類のイクチオフォヌス症に関する研究 - VII : イクチオフォヌスの形態と生活史}, volume = {6}, year = {1979} }