@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005589, author = {喜田, 和四郎 and Kida, Washiro and 前川, 行幸 and Maegawa, Miyuki}, journal = {三重大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Mie University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は立地環境が異なる海域について,アラメ・カジメ群落の分布と構造を比較するため,1981年の夏季に,三重県熊野灘沿岸の紀伊長島,浜島および答志島の各海域を対象とし,帯状トランセクト法による茎長組成の測定と,水深別年令組成の検討を行なったものである。 1. アラメ・カジメの生育水深は,今回の各海域においても,前報(喜田・前川1981,1982b)とほぼ同様の結果が得られた。アラメの分布下限やカジメの分布上限も,外海側こ深く,内湾側に淡くなる傾向が認められた。紀伊長島沖合の大島におけるアラメの分布下限が13~14m以深に達することは,外洋の影響が最も強い分布域の特徴を示していると思われる。 2. アラメ・カジメ群落の茎長組成からみた分布と構造は,海域の立地環境とともに,また局地的には水深や地形によく対応して変化していると思われる。アラメでは,答志和具で大型,中型群と小型群による二層構造を呈したが,浜島でほほとんど大型群,紀伊長島では中型,小型群,または小型群のみであった。またカジメでは,浜島および答志和具で二層構造を呈したが,紀伊長島ではほとんど中型,小型群であった。 3. 上述の茎長組成を年令組成の面からみても,同様に到達する年令および年級群の組成や密度は,海域や水深によって相違し,それぞれの立地環境を反映しているものと思われる。茎長組織における二層構造が,年令組成の上で不明瞭となるのは,3年,4年目の大型群と,その下層で伸長が抑制された1年,2年目の個体群との茎長の隔りが,特に繁茂期に顕著になるためと思われる。 4. アラメ群落は,ある襟度で大型群のみの安定相に達した後に,群落の更新が起る区域が多いのに対し,カジメ群落では,大型群が高密度でも若い年級群が混生して,順次更新するのが普通で,両種の間には群落更新の様相や速度に差異があるものと考えられる。, Eisenia bicyclis and Ecklonia cava are widely distributed along the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan and from a marine forest on the rocky shore. This paper is concerned with the changes in structure and age distribution of these communities. Studies were carried out in the coastal areas of Kii-Ngashima, Hamajima and Toshi-Wagu from the mouth of Ise Bay to Kumano-nada, Mie Prefecture, during the period from August to September, 1981. It is well known that the Eisenia community is observed 6-10 m in depth. But its deeper limit varied with the areas surveyed in this study. There is the trend that the Eisenia extends to deeper places at sites exposed to the influence of the open sea. Particularly at Ōshima, off the coast of Kii-Nagashima, it was found in depths of 13 m or more. As for the Ecklonia community, it is distributed in depths below 3-4 m being dominant from 5 to 10 m in depth in the Hamajima and Tōshi-Wagu areas, but in Kii-Nagashima it was found from about 2 m in depth on steep slope near shore, and was not found at Ōshima. It was surmised that the shallower limit of Ecklonia varied with the degree of influence from the open sea and also with the surface of the bottom. The age distribtution of the Eisenia and Ecklonia communities was represented in various areas and depths. It was found that the dense communities of Eisenia in the Tōshi-Wagu area and Ecklonia in the Hamajima and Tōshi-Wagu areas were composed of two layers with a difference in stipe length : a large group of three and four years old and small group of one and two. It seems that these communities are comparatively stabilized, taking the age distribution into consideration. As for the Ecklonia community, as awhole, with the exception of Ōshima, each of the age groups averaged from one to three or four years old. It seems that these communities composed of multiple age groups maintain stability. On the other hand, the Eisenia communities in Kii-Nagashima and Hamajima had an unbalanced age distribution, i. e., in these areas where the large fronds of three and four years old grew densely, one-year-old fronds wrer only a small proportion. It may be concluded that the Eisenia and Ecklonia communities are different in their process of alteration of structure.}, pages = {57--69}, title = {アラメ・カジメ群落に関する生態学的研究 (2) : 熊野灘沿岸各地域における群落の分布と構造}, volume = {10}, year = {1983} }