@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005600, author = {山口, 裕一郎 and Yamaguchi, Yuichiro and 野々田, 得郎 and Nonoda, Tokuro and 日高, 磐夫 and Hidaka, Iwao and 丹羽, 栄二 and Niwa, Eiji and 陣野, 哲朗 and Jinno, Tetsuro and 石倉, 勇 and Ishikura, Isamu and 内田, 誠 and Uchida, Makoto}, journal = {三重大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Mie University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, In order to develop artificial bait for bottom set long-line fishing, test baits were made by combining certain chemicals, and food materials such as fishmeal, etc., using a hydrophilious high polymer as the combiner or supporting material. Their efficiency in catching fish was tested in field experiments. A preliminary field experiment was at first conducted to find the textural or tactile effects of the polymer by covering pieces of squid muscle with a thin membrane of hydrophilious polymer. The catch rate of the squid bait with the polymer membrane was as good as that without the membrane. A total of six test baits were prepared. Of these, R-V was the most efficient. The catch rate of the R-V was about 1.6 times that of the control squid bait, whereas those of the other five baits were all less than that of the control. The R-V contained alanine, betaine and glycine in addition to other components.Thus, it was most likely that some of the above three chemicals were effective alone or synergistically with other components in stimulating feeding behavior. There was a considerable species selectivity for the R-V, Coclorhynchus japonicus>Deania eglantina>Hozukius embremarius respectively being the speices with the best catch rates. The catch rates of the R-V for these three species relative to those of the squid bait were 3.4,2.2 and 0.7 respectively. Analyses of the bait loss and numerous gnawed marks on the returned baits suggested that the R-V is an appealing food for scavengers also. In the laboratory, a scavenger Bathynomus döderleini actually ate it.}, pages = {95--109}, title = {底延縄用リボン型人口餌について}, volume = {11}, year = {1984} }