@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005715, author = {Matsumiya, Yoshiharu and 松宮, 義晴 and Oka, Masao and 岡, 正雄 and Hiramatsu, Kazuhiko and 平松, 一彦 and Asano, Kenji and 浅野, 謙治}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, A simple method which uses the catch and effort statistics collected before and after the setting of an artificial reef is proposed for calculating the effect capacity of the reef. Following differential equation on the stock and fishing effort was assumed: dS/dt = kN (C-S) - y, df/dt = a - hCf + hy where S = stock quantity existing on an artificial reef, f = fishing mortality coefficient, C = maximum capacity of an artificial reef, N = stock size migrating to the fishing ground, y = quantity of fish caught, a = hCfmax, and k and h denote coefficient.  When S and f are in equilibrium, f = a/hC + y /C is led. The exploitation rate fi and catch quantity yi for time interval i give curve with continuous oscillation around an equilibrium. Applying an method of moving average, the following approximate expression can be formed: fi = a/hC + yi/C lf fi and yi during several years before and after the setting can be obtained, linear regression coefficient C (maximum capacity of an artificial reef) will be found., 魚礁設置の前と後の漁獲量努力量統計を利用して, 人工魚礁の効果算定をする簡単な方法を提案する。魚礁効果と漁獲係数は下記の微分式で表現できる。 dS/dt=kN(C-S)-y, df/dt=a-hCf+hy ここでSは魚礁に現存する資源量, fは漁獲係数, Cは漁礁の最大収容能力, Nは漁場に来遊する資源の大きさ, yは漁獲量, kは魚礁に遭遇する個体の添加係数, αは最高漁獲係数の傾向を示す定数(=k・C・fmax), hは係数である。 Sとfが平衡状態の時, f=a/hC+y/Cが導かれる。ある時間間隔(例えば, 月や週)の漁獲率fiと漁獲量yiは一つの平衡状態のまわりを振動する曲線となり, 移動平均を適用すると fi=a/hC+yi/C が成立する。 人工魚礁の設置前と後の数年間のfiとyiが得られれば, 年ごとに求めた一次回帰係数C, 即ち魚礁の最大収容能力の変化傾向から, 効果の表れ方や大きさを把握することができる。}, pages = {73--77}, title = {A Theoretical Study on the Effect Calculation of Artifical Reef}, volume = {5}, year = {1991} }