@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005728, author = {Sekine, Yoshihiko and 関根, 義彦 and Sato, Yuichi and 佐藤, 裕一 and Sakamoto, Ichitaro and 坂本, 市太郎}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Salinity observations in the Shikoku Basin south of Japan have been made during the period of 1983-1988. Focus is placed on the salinity minimum layer, which exists at depths of 400-600 m over a continental slope and/or ridge slope and at depths of 700-1000 m over a flat deep basin. In the present report, all the salinity data along the observational lines are presented. Some interesting features of the salinity fields are detected. Two dominant salinity minimum areas are found in the salinity minimum layer. One minimum area exists over the continental slope and the other minimum exists over the flat basin in the Shikoku Basin, which locates 200-300 km offshore to the former minimum. It is suggested that the former minimum is originated by the intermediate Oyashio water, which flows sourthward along the Boso Peninsula. The latter minimum over a flat basin is inferred to be originated from the second Oyashio intrusion. On the whole, the character with two minimum salinity areas is observed in further south in the Shikoku Basin, which was well observed in the eastern region to the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge., 1983年から1988年の間に日本南岸の四国海盆北部の塩分分布の観測を特に塩分極小層に注目して行った。塩分極小 層は大陸棚斜面上や海嶺の斜面上では400-600m深程度にあり,平坦な大洋底上では700-1000m深程度にある。 この報告では観測したすべての観測線上の塩分分布の基礎データを提示する。 塩分観測データの解析により,幾つかの特徴的な塩分分布があることが確認された。塩分極小層は明確に大陸斜面 上にあるものとそれより200-300km程度沖側の平坦な四国海盆上にあるものの二つの領域に別れて存在する。前者 は房総半島沿岸沿いに南下する親潮の中層水に関連し,後者は親潮の第二貫入以東の南下に関連することが示唆され た。伊豆海嶺以東では常時観測されるこの二つの塩分極小の存在が伊豆海嶺以西の四国海盆でもみられることが示さ れた。}, pages = {83--108}, title = {Observation of the Salinity Minimum Layer in the Shikoku Basin South of Japan}, volume = {6}, year = {1991} }