@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005772, author = {Ogawa, Yukiyoshi and 小川, 幸持}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Cotyledonary axillary buds (cotyledonary buds/shoots) of Pharbitis became visible in 3-day-old seedlings, and grew rapidly until the seedlings were 6 days old. Then, their growth showed. Flowering of the cotyledonary buds released from plumular dominance by removing the plumule just before an inductive dark period was compared with that of the plumule intact (epicotyl shoot). Flowering of the cotyledonary buds was mainly determined by stimulus from the induced cotyledon on the same side. The flowering of each of cotyledonary buds at the base of a pair of induced cotyledons was almost the same. Flowering of cotyledonary buds increased with age of the plant to a maximum at 6 or 7 days of age and then decreased gradually. The flowering of each cotyledonary bud with one cotyledon at this later stage was much greater than that of the plumule with a pair of cotyledons. When the plumules were removed at different times during a 16-h dark period, flowering of the cotyledonary buds decreased at 8 to 20 h after the start of the dark period. The data are discussed in relation to action of the floral stimulus from the induced cotyledon at the shoot apex of Pharbitis seedlings and the sensitivity of apex to the floral stimulus., アサガオ,品種Violetの子葉えき芽は播種後3日で認められ,その後6日まで急速に生長した。その後,緩慢に 生長した。幼芽(上胚軸)を切除して,子葉えき芽に対する幼芽優勢を除いた後,花成誘導暗期を与えた。子葉からの花成刺激による子葉えき芽の花成反応を調べ,幼芽の花成反応と比較した。2枚の子葉の各えき芽の花成は,おもに同じ側にある子葉の花成刺激によって生じた。5日以後の草令の子葉えき芽の花成は(えき芽/1枚子葉),両側の子葉による幼芽の花成(幼芽/2枚子葉)より大であった。この両者における花成反応の違いは,花成刺激に反応する芽頂の令の相違による。このことは,草令の進行に伴う幼芽の花成の減少が(小川,1992)5),子葉の生理的変化のみならず,幼芽自体の変化も関係していることを示唆している。幼芽の切除が,16時間の誘導暗期間始後8時間から20時間へと遅れると,子葉えき芽の花成は著しく減少した。この花成の減少は,花成刺激に反応するえき芽の活性がまだ弱い状態にあること,さらに幼芽切除が遅れると子葉えき芽の花成刺激の受容に幼芽との競争があることによると思われる。}, pages = {209--214}, title = {Flowering Response of Cotyledonary Buds in Pharbitis nil Seedlings}, volume = {10}, year = {1993} }