@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005783, author = {Ogawa, Yukiyoshi and 小川, 幸持 and Iwai, Shizuko and 岩井, 静子 and Azuma, Tagako and 東, たが子}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, Treatment of Spathiphyllum patinii, cv. Merry, six months after planting their mericlone plantlets to pots with 500 and 1000 ppm gibberellin A₃ (GA₃) either by spraying onto the leaves or by dropping onto the uppermost leaf sheath induced flowering. Flower stalks developed not only from the uppermost leaf sheath of the main axis following development of 3 or 4 additional leaves but also from the lower leaf sheath. The control plants without GA₃ did not flower within the experimental period. Furthermore, treatment with 100 to 1000 ppm GA₃ of the cut tuberous-stem pieces and mericlone plantlets produced miniature-flowering plants with new 2 leaves. These results suggest that floral induction at the shoot apex of Spathiphyllum plants occurs soon after the treatment with GA₃ regardless of their age, size and growing seasons. The method employed in the present experiment should be useful for rapid production of small or miniature flowering Spathiphyllum plants which are used not only as a new interior ornament, but also as an experimental plant and a method for physiological study of flower initiation by gibberellins., スパティフィラムのメリクロン苗を培養土を入れた鉢に植え6か月間栽培した展開本葉5-7枚の草丈18-22cmの植物を用いて,500あるいは1000ppmのジベレリンA₃(GA₃)溶液を葉面散布または最上葉の葉鞘内に滴下すると,その後展開した3あるいは4枚めの葉の葉鞘から白色楕円形の苞葉が出現し,花茎が伸長して開花した。また, 下位葉の葉鞘からも花茎が伸長して開花した。 肥大根茎の切断片およびメリクロン苗を,10から1000ppm GA₃の溶液に20時間ひたして培養土に植えると,葉を2枚待った小さい開花植物を生じた。 これらの実験結果は,GA₃を処理すると,スパティフィラムの花成が,草齢や植物体の大きさに関係なくすぐに誘導されることを示している。GA₃による若齢のスパティフィラムの花成誘導は,小型の鉢花生産にまたジベレリンによる花成誘導の生理学的研究に利用できる。}, pages = {191--197}, title = {Flower Induction of Spathiphyllum patinii by Gibberellin A₃ and Miniaturization of Flowering Plants}, volume = {11}, year = {1993} }