@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005865, author = {阿部, 真比古 and Abe, Mahiko and 森田, 晃央 and Morita, Teruo and 橋本, 奈央子 and Hashimoto, Naoko and 倉島, 彰 and Kurashima, Akira and 栗藤, 和治 and Kurifuji, Kazuharu and 前川, 行幸 and Maegawa, Miyuki}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, The algal flora and coastal environment were investigated at 12 stations around the coast of Sugari, Mie Precture in May 2000. The number of species identified was 83 including 13 species of Chlorophyta, 26 species of Phaeophyta and 44 species of Rhodophyta. Considering the distribution of algal flora in this area, we could differentiate 2 areas, i. e. inner sea and open sea areas. In the inner sea area, a lot of species of Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta grew and extended from inner sea area to open sea area. Tne open sea area was characterized by dense Sargassum specics, dominated by S.okamurae and S.micracanthum. These characteristics of algal flora and their distribution in this area seem to be attributed to wave velocity, water motion and predation by sea urchins and other marine organisms., 2000年5月に尾鷲市須賀利地先の12地点において海藻植生,海岸線の状況について調査を行った。採集された海藻は緑藻綱13種,褐藻綱26種,紅藻綱44種の計83種であった。海藻植生から考察した結果,須賀利地先は内海域,外海域の2つに区分された。内海域の海藻相は豊富で,外海域にまで広がっていた。外海域の海藻相は,トゲモクやヒラネジモクが優占するガラモ場が広がっていた。須賀利地先の海藻植生やその分布は波浪条件や波の動き,藻食動物の摂餌活動が影響していると考えられる。}, pages = {51--59}, title = {三重県須賀利地先の海藻植生}, volume = {27}, year = {2001} }