@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005876, author = {HOSSAIN, Zakaria and 井上, 宗治 and INOUE, Sohji}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 土-補強材間の組互作用が補強土構造物の全体的な性能に重要な影響を与えることを考慮して,垂直応力を変化させた一連の引き抜き実験を行い,本論文では補強材の適合性と有効性を調べた。補強材として,ジオシンセティクスはフォートラックとナイロンメッシュから成り,正方形ワイヤーメッシュはその間隔が3mmと14mmのものを用いた。補強土の体積変化性状,応力-ひずみ関係や土-補強材の相互作用に直接関連する粘着力とせん断抵抗角を実際の設計,施工に供用できるように種々のチャートと図に表わした。結論的にはジオシンセティクス補強材の引き抜き応力はワイヤメッシュのそれより大きいことが明となった。すべての補強材に対して水平変位が生ずる直後に鉛直変位は現れ,そののち若干ばらつきながら増加していくという特徴的な傾向が得られた。, It is evident that soil-reinforcement interactions have a significant effect on the overall performance of reinforced soil structures. A series of pullout tests under variable normal stresses have been carried out in order to find out the suitability and effectiveness of reinforcements in reinforced soil structures. In this paper, an investigation of soil-reinforcement interactions under laboratory pullout tests for geosynthetics (Fortrac and Nylon) and woven square wire meshes (3mm and 14mm opening) is presented. Stress-displacement relationships, volumetric changes and the soil-reinforcement interaction behavior of reinforced soil in terms of cohesion and internal friction have been given in various charts and diagrams as a ready reference to aid for practical design and constructions. It is concluded that, in general, the pullout stress of geosynthetics reinforcement is larger than that of the wire meshes and the rate of increase of the pullout stress of Fortrac reinforcement is the highest among the types of reinforcements tested in this research work. For all types of reinforcements, there is a common feature that vertical displacement takes place just after the occurrence of horizontal displacement and then some scatters in the vertical displacement are observed with the increase in horizontal displacement.}, pages = {1--20}, title = {ジオシンセティクスとワイヤーメッシュの引き抜き試験における土-補強材間の相互作用}, volume = {29}, year = {2002}, yomi = {イノウエ, ソウジ} }