@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006066, author = {河合, 義隆 and Kawai, Yoshitaka and 前川, 豊孝 and Maegawa, Toyotaka and 河瀬, 幸浩 and Kawase, Yukihiro and 平塚, 伸 and Hiratsuka, Shin}, journal = {三重大学生物資源学部附属農場研究報告 = The bulletin of the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 難発根性のヤマブドウの挿し木発根におけるオーキシンのインドール酪酸(IBA)とナフタレン酢酸(NAA)処理の影響と拡散性IAAと抽出性IAAの挿し木中の変動を調べた。ヤマブドウの挿し木発根はオーキシン処理により促進され,その効果はNAAよりIBAの方が大であった。発根部位の抽出性IAAの変動は対照区では大きな変動はみられなかった。IBA区では挿し木時に高かったがその後は低く推移した。NAA区では挿し木後10日目に抽出性IAA量はピークを示した。発根部位の抽出性IAA量と拡散性IAA量の間に関連性は見出せなかった。, The effects of indole-3-butyric acid(IBA)and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA)on and the changes of diffusible IAA and extractable IAA in rooting of the hard-to-root Vitis coignetiae were investigated. Auxins increased the rooting of Vitis coignetiae and the rooting of IBA was higher than that of NAA. The fluctuation in the amount of extractable IAA during cutting was small in control. In IBA, extractable IAA level was highest in the start of cutting, but it was low after that. In NAA, it showed the peak 10 days after cutting. Diffusible IAA had no relation to extractable IAA in base part of cuttings.}, pages = {44--47}, title = {ヤマブドウの挿し木発根におけるオーキシンの影響}, volume = {12}, year = {2001} }