@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006133, author = {前田, 広人 and MAEDA, Hiroto}, journal = {三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Mie University Social Cooperation Research Center works to deepen cooperation among industry, government, and university to effectively utilize the intellectual property of Mie University and to promote distinctive research and development. The center aims to contribute to research and education and improve industries, culture, and welfare services of regional communities. To help the center attain this objective, a new institute has recently been established. The Iga Research Institute of Mie University was established on 3rd April 2009 for the purpose of activating the collaboration with local industry and regional authority of Iga City. The institute is designed to develop the cooperative research between the university and local industry, and to promote the advancement of science in local government and among citizens through basic and applied research. The Iga Research Institute conducts systematic studies with an interdisciplinary approach covering the humanities, natural environment and food science. To expand research activities, increase employment of students and activate the collaboration with local industry and regional community, the institute was organized into four functions: 1. Provide analytical laboratory for local industry and regional community; 2. Provide facilities and assistance in enterprise incubation; 3. Provide pool of scientists and networking with science specialists; and 4. Provide support for the advancement of science in local citizens including junior and high school students. The building with its warm color wall and bird flapping style roof presents an active external appearance. The interior facilities are by no means comprehensive but are fairly functional. The structure of building is designed to facilitate cooperative work and exchange of information.}, pages = {59--68}, title = {三重大学伊賀研究拠点の創設と展開}, volume = {36}, year = {2010} }