@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006591, author = {福岡, 昌子 and FUKUOKA, Masako}, journal = {三重大学国際交流センター紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Further experimental studies will be needed on what processes are used or developed to create an interlanguage when second-language learners acquire Japanese-language phonology. The perspective of the interrelationship of a developmental process seen during the course of learning withfirst-language interference(negative transfer) is examined in this paper;furthermore,it analyses how second-language leaeners develop an interlanguage in Japanese-language phonology, with focus on the plosives of the Japanese language that Chinese learners tend to find difficult to master.}, pages = {15--28}, title = {母語干渉と習得プロセス : 破裂音習得から見た中間言語構築}, volume = {1}, year = {2006} }