@article{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007196, author = {蓮尾, 直美 and HASUO, Naomi and 伊藤, 信成 and ITOH, Nobunari and 三輪, 辰男 and MIWA, Tatsuo and 山中, 伸一 and YAMANAKA, Shinnichi and 上山, 浩 and UEYAMA, Hiroshi and 荻原, 彰 and OGIWARA, Akira and 平賀, 伸夫 and HIRAGA, Nobuo and 杉村, 伸一 and SUGIMURA, Shinnichi}, journal = {日本教育大学協会研究年報}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, The aim of this repot is to clarify the achievements and the problems of our teaching activities concerned to the collaboration between academics and teachers. We established a working group in 2006 to enhance the partnership among the faculty of education,Mie University and attached schools and to promote the quality of our education. Our working group has three principal purposes as follows : 1. contributing to the faculty development,2. improving the quality of the teacher training education of the faculty. 3. Promoting the collaborating class study/teaching materials development between the academics and teachers. The activities our working group have been expanding gradually even though the participation in our activity is voluntary basis. As we consider the record of our activities,we can divide them into four terms. The first term was from September 2005 to March 2006. In this term,three academics held six classes in total at attached elementary school. These classes were held as parts of the project for studying how the relationship among the faculty and attached schools should function for effective practice-teaching. The second was from October 2006 to March 2007. We established at first a working group of Mie University Faculty of Education at October 2006. The third term was from May 2007 to March 2008. Seven academics carried out 14 c1asses in total. In this term,a teacher for the attached elementary school, member of our working group,opened his class to academics and received critical reviews from them. This action made very important contributions to expand our activities to the next step. Lastly,the fourth was from April 2008 to the present. We have expanded our activity toward a kindergarten. Our member taught children molding expression at kindergarten. We aIso carried out four classes in math at the junior high and a class at the elementary by three academics.}, pages = {241--254}, title = {学部教員と附属学校教員による連携授業の試み : 教員養成としての学部・附属学校教育の改善と充実をめざして}, volume = {27}, year = {2009} }