@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007401, author = {秋元, ひろと and AKIMOTO, Hiroto}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, ホッブズ思想を,その発展史という観点から研究することを通じて,ホッブズが西欧の思想伝統の継承と批判を通じて,具体的には,アリストテレス主義の知識論に対する批判,ルネサンス人文主義の再評価,共和主義・貴族主義の理想的人間観から現実的人間観への転回,伝統的自然法論からの脱却を通じて,近代思想家としての立場を確立したことを明らかにした。, I studied Hobbes's Thought, focusing on the process of its historical development, and thereby made it clear that Hobbes established his position as a modern thinker through the inheritance and criticism of the European traditional thought. More specifically it was through the criticism of the Aristotelian theory of knowledge, the re-evaluation of Renaissance humanism, the turn from the republican or aristocratic ideal of human beings to the realistic view of human beings, and the break with the traditional theory of natural laws that Hobbes established his position as a modern thinker., 平成19~21年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 19520018}, title = {ホッブズ思想の発展史に見る近代の生成}, year = {2010} }