@techreport{oai:mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008148, author = {内田, 恵一 and UCHIDA, Keiichi and 井上, 幹大 and INOUE, Mikihiro and 溝口, 明 and MIZOGUCHI, Akira and 楠, 正人 and KUSUNOKI, Masato}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, GFP発現マウスDSS colitisの盲腸壁を二光子励起顕微鏡下生体内イメージングすると、著明な炎症細胞浸潤と陰窩上皮細胞の傷害、脱落が観察できる。IFX投与群ではコントロール群(non-IFX)よりIFX投与後7日目(DSS投与後14日目)の陰窩内白血球浸潤数と陰窩欠損数は各々減少していた。陰窩上皮細胞に関しては、管腔側で一部脱落欠損するものや陰窩内上皮細胞が全欠損するものが観察できた。IFX投与後7日目のIFX投与群の陰窩の長さはnon-IFX群に比して有意に長く陰窩内上皮細胞の再生が確認できたが、陰窩底部から管腔側に向かう再生上皮の継時的変化は観察できなかった。, In this study, we attempted to visualize in vivo therapeutic response of infliximab (IFX) in the murine UC model using two photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) and to analyze their histopathological response morphologically. Both extensive inflammatory cell infiltration and the damage or loss of epithelial cells in the crypt was observed in vivo real-time in the dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) colitis model of green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing mice using TPLSM. The number of leukocyte infiltrates within the crypt (2.4 versus 6 per field of view: FOV) and the number of crypt loss (1.0 versus 4.5per FOV) were reduced in IFX-treated mice, compared with non-IFX, control mice. The length of colonic crypt (99.8 versus 80.0 micrometer) was increased in IFX-treated mice, compared with non-IFX, control mice. Serial change in regenerative epithelial cells was not observed, which regenerated from the bottom of the crypt toward the top of the crypt (the luminal side)., 2011年度~2013年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書, 23591958}, title = {小児難治性炎症性腸疾患の病態に関する二光子レーザー顕微鏡リアルタイムイメージング}, year = {2014} }